New Year, New Start

As you all know.. It is now 2011. I meant to make a post on New Years.. but.. Then I just didn’t.. but either way.. Happy (kind of late) New Years!

It’s getting closer to the start of this new semester. Spring 11. I’ll be honest, I think I like the spring semester more than the fall semester. Probably because I’ve had less time off between the fall and spring so I am still able to know what studying means, whereas coming off of summer break into the fall semester, I don’t want to do anything. So I guess you could say I’m more motivated for the spring semester than the fall. I don’t know..

So my break has been pretty uh.. kinda pointless.. My sleeping schedule is all kinds of messed up.. I typically go fall asleep around 4 or 5 .. AM. and I wake up around 2 or 3 .. PM. then I go to work around 5 come back around 9:30, and then do nothing until 4 or 5 .. AM. Ok, I wouldn’t say I do nothing.. I’ve actually been doing a few things.. I’ve fallen in love with Netflix, and StumbleUpon is an amazing wonder. So basically, I’ll play a movie (I’m really into British movies right now), and then I’ll StumbleUpon different websites and learn stuff.

Honestly.. I’m kinda ready for classes to start again and for everyone to come back to Topeka.. It’s been quiet.

Hope everyone else is having a great Break!

See you soon!


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